TEARS IN ASS The Choreography is built on areas of tension and not on visual criteria. It started with these questions: What happens with high tension? Relaxation and floating? What is happening in between the feelings of tension? What is stress? CONCEPT + CHOREOGRAPHY Juschka Weigel ................................................................................................................................................................... NÄCHSTE PERFORMANCES (2010) >>>FREQUENCY - I :: 23.09.2010 :: 20:00 :: NULTY BOD FESTIVAL '10 (PRAGUE) >>>UNGEMEIN 1+2+3 remembered :: 1.10.2010 :: 21:00 :: TNT FESTIVAL (TERRASSA) >>>TEARS IN ASS :: PREMIÈRE :: 2.10.2010 :: 18:50 :: TNT FESTIVAL (TERRASSA) >>>TEARS IN ASS (SOLO VERSION) :: 26.11.2010 :: TEATRO ENSALLE (VIGO) ...................................................................................................................................................................